The Role of Software Updates in Keeping Your Business Running Smoothly

You may believe software updates are only intended to resolve bugs or add new features, but they have far more benefits for your business. They improve the compatibility and performance of ...

Generative AI in Healthcare, Is It Safe?

There is a one-in-a-million chance of being harmed while traveling by plane. There is a one in three hundred chance of being harmed in the healthcare system. Checking in with your doctor could lead to one of the most common ...

Does Your Practice Really Need Video Surveillance?

Some people fall in love with the idea of video surveillance. It has many benefits in a workplace setting. Others have their doubts from the start. Is video surveillance a violation of privacy? Wherever you stand, it’s hard to ignore ...

3 Steps to Optimize IT Infrastructure for Enhanced Patient Care

Data-driven medicine. It’s a buzzword on everyone’s minds these days. The US healthcare analytics market is growing rapidly, expected to quadruple between now and 2030. It’s expected to change much of our current approach to healthcare, including everything from improving ...

The Benefits of Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication

Imagine operating your practice without data. You use it for every aspect, from communicating with patients to collaborating with other practitioners. Our world relies on data. That’s why cybercriminals increasingly target it, and it is one of your business's most ...

What Can ChatGPT Help Your Medical Practice With Today?

The doctor rushes around the room, trying everything. But nothing works. Is there hope? A medical resident pulls out his phone and asks ChatGPT for guidance. Can it help? At a time like this, it’s important to remember two things: ...

How to Develop a Comprehensive Healthcare Data Security Plan

Security threats are everywhere, whether you’ve experienced a breach or not. The adage “it’s not a matter of IF, but when” applies to all healthcare businesses, no matter how big or small. You might be excited about some of the ...

The Importance of Healthcare Security to Remain HIPAA Compliant

Security isn’t a “once and done” activity. Likewise, HIPAA compliance is an ongoing process and not a one-off exercise. Building a solid healthcare practice requires mechanisms to prevent shortcuts and workarounds from being the mainstay of your culture. Workarounds breed ...

Is The Digital Divide Putting Your Practice At Risk?

Telehealth has made substantial strides in the past few years. Prior to 2020, less than 1 percent of the total healthcare volume in the United States offered telehealth. Over half implemented it into their practices during the first few months ...

How ChatGPT May Impact Security In Your Medical Practice

This is the year artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm. ChatGPT has become a household name, with businesses everywhere rapidly finding ways to incorporate it into their daily activities. But what about medical practices? Are there ways to ...