
The Problem With Minimal Data Sharing Between EHRs

A checkup with your general practitioner.  An emergency visit to an ER.  A radiology test ordered by a physician.  What do all of these have in common? Nothing if the data can’t be shared between EHRs. And unfortunately, that’s all ...

Why Your EHR May Have Been Doomed From The Beginning

How does your current process work? Health organizations often start implementing an EHR (electronic health record) system with the best intentions. But somewhere along the way things go awry. And in some cases, it was doomed from the beginning. EHR ...

The Biggest Security Threats We’ll See In The Coming Years

Every day, new apps make their way onto the marketplace; new programs are introduced online. What once was difficult, even impossible to create, can now be generated in a few days, often with open source code. It’s so easy, even ...

The Advantages of Using VoIP Technology For Your Business

Phone systems tend to be one of the things in the office that follow an “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” philosophy. Yet today’s technology has upgraded virtually everything we do, including the way we use our office phones. ...

What Artificial Intelligence Brings To The Office

Whatever technological processes and systems you are learning about today will be all but obsolete in just a few short years. Why? Because technology changes things so quickly, we barely have time to learn about it before it changes once ...

How To Maintain Security With Telemedicine Employees

According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, the term “chronic disease” is defined as a disease lasting three months or more. In general, it cannot be prevented by a vaccine, nor cured by medication. It won’t just disappear. ...

Are You Ready For Cognitive Computing In Your Practice?

An amazing thing is happening in the healthcare industry. It’s experiencing an explosion of information, which is bringing about opportunity in many ways. By 2020, it is estimated that almost half of American adults will have some form of chronic ...

Connected Health and How Digital Is Transforming Health

Want to know a secret? Your patients are getting most of their medical information from the Internet. Not really a secret anymore, is it? But there’s an inherent risk with patients heading online to do research, gaining access to information, ...

3 Advantages Of Outsourcing Your IT Management

Technology has turned business into a do-it-yourself platform. With a small amount of research, you can find just about anything you’re looking for. A new client management system, a data storage application, marketing tools, data security software … in no ...

Why Hackers Want Health Care Data Most Of All

Who can forget some of the biggest cyber security breaches of our time? During the holiday season of 2013, criminal hackers potentially gained access to 40 million Target customer credit cards. Sony has suffered not one, but two major cybersecurity ...


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