A checkup with your general practitioner.
An emergency visit to an ER.
A radiology test ordered by a physician.
What do all of these have in common? Nothing if the data can’t be shared between EHRs. And unfortunately, that’s all too readily the case.
For example, one study found that 72 percent of hospitals shared radiology reports with other medical facilities within their system, while that rate reduced to only 36 percent of the time with those outside of their system.
Although the benefits of sharing EHR data are many, the technology still isn’t anywhere where it needs to make seamless transitions.
There are two reasons for that:
1. There isn’t a mandate for how EHRs are created. With every system coded just a bit different, it’s often impossible for different systems to communicate.
2. Intellectual property holds progress back.
EHR Design
As an American, traveling to London isn’t a huge cultural shock. Both regions use English, so in theory, it’s easy to communicate. But still, there are differences.
Americans say french fries, British say chips. Americans write color, British write colour.
The same. Yet different.
It’s those tiny nuances that change everything, One EHR system may code sex as M or F, while another may use numbers such as 1 or 2. Getting those systems to cross over and speak is difficult at best.
Intellectual Property
When a company goes into design mode, they do it to build a company. And the only way to create success is through continual healthy profits.
Why would a company want to create a product that plays well with others? Why would they design something that’s just the same as another company?
Taking The First Step
Imagine a time when you can get a clear picture of every patient in your practice with just a tap on a screen.
You can easily communicate with specialists. You can easily refer.
You know a patient’s history because their file is well maintained.
You’re notified when emergencies occur, when one of your patients checks into the hospital, for instance.
Does it sound like the future?
EHR technology may have a long way to go. But the process starts today.
Signing up for a service or investing in a new system should never be done in a bubble. A thorough analysis will help you realize what’s most important to your practice and your patients. Only then can you create a system that’s easy to navigate and share.
How effective is your technology?
For IT Strategy, Cloud Conversion, or Help Desk Services reach out to us at Silver Linings Technology 360-450-4759.