How ChatGPT May Impact Security In Your Medical Practice

This is the year artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm. ChatGPT has become a household name, with businesses everywhere rapidly finding ways to incorporate it into their daily activities.

But what about medical practices? Are there ways to use ChatGPT there too?

A paper published on medRxiv in December 2022 suggests that ChatGPT is capable of passing the US Medical Licensing Exam. While no one is suggesting this new technology will replace doctors or nurses anytime soon, it does show just how far AI has come and where it can go.

We can expect to see it used to speed up daily responsibilities. It can assist with administrative tasks, helping create diagnostics or treatment plans.

DocsGPT is one such service. The beta version is designed to streamline some of the most time-consuming administrative tasks, such as drafting and faxing preauthorization and appeal letters. They are linked with Diximity’s free fax service, which connects directly with the major insurers. This tool alone is predicted to save hours during the standard workweek, freeing up time to work on more pressing issues.

All of this sounds great - you might be excited to jump in and give it a try. But it’s equally important to remember that with AI comes limitations.

AI tools like ChatGPT and DocsGPT are open-source and available to all. That makes them wonderful playtools for businesses and cybercriminals alike.

In one case, a researcher instructed the chatbot to pretend to be a GP surgery, and in moments it was generating life-like text.

Since phishing is a top cybersecurity issue today, these new tools only ramped up potential. Hackers can utilize them to make even more legitimate-looking emails. While the service creators state they block malicious intent, it took researchers only a few tries to bypass commands and have the chatbots crafting well-written correspondence.

So what does all this mean for you? Should you ignore it or bring it into your practice?

AI is here to stay.

Hackers aren’t going anywhere; they’re getting more sophisticated by utilizing the same resources.

New security tools will become even more critical to practices as they incorporate chatbots into daily activities.

You can’t run from it. But you can learn from it. It’s important to remember that chatbots are in beta. They are fun to play with, and easy to use. But before you change your entire business model, give it time to see how this all plays out.

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