7 Benefits Your Post-Acute Care Center Should Embrace Cloud Computing

Looking for a way to revolutionize how you provide affordable, quality patient care? Look no further than cloud computing. The market is expected to grow by 25.3 percent this year alone.

Of course, it can be difficult looking from the inside out, trying to determine how a change will help you. You have systems in place. You have a complicated system. What if you commit to cloud computing? What benefits would you see?

Digital Transformations

Buzzwords are everywhere: telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain technology. They’re reshaping everything within the healthcare industry, yet most of it can be confusing at best. Are you doing all you can, or are you being left behind? No matter where you are on the technology scale, there is always room for advancement. You can see immediate benefits by moving to cloud computing.

Streamline Your EHRs

Electronic health records make every part of the practice more effective. No more paper documentation to lose or misplace. Instead, cloud-based EHRs make connecting to the system more convenient for everyone involved.

Scalable Solutions

Are you on track for growth? Have goals of changing how you do business? With traditional self-hosted systems, you’re in charge of hardware, software, and storage. Cloud computing offers you a different approach, with subscription-based services that allow you to scale up or down with ease.

Improve Interoperability

System interoperability is the best way to ensure your post-acute care facility runs smoothly. Cloud integration allows everything from healthcare applications to medical devices to interconnect and share data effectively.

Enhance Collaboration

Value-based patient care allows communication between nurses, specialists, and everyone in between. Cloud computing ensures data sharing and seamless communication to whoever is authorized access. Need virtual communication? Not a problem - with the right cloud-based setup.


Every healthcare facility faces one familiar challenge: costs. Tight budgets require most facilities to think “bare bones,” which leaves them selecting systems based on price rather than performance. Since cloud computing runs under a subscription model, it’s easier to get what you need rather than what’s budgeted, meaning you can do more with less output in the long run.


One of the biggest concerns with cloud security is: Will apps and patient data be secure in a third-party server? Especially when you need to comply with regulations like HIPAA or the HITRUST Alliance’s CSF. When done right with a partner who understands the healthcare industry, you can have peace of mind that your data is secure. They will have dedicated resources and security protocols to ensure high-level cybersecurity with protocols higher than on-premise data centers.

Choosing The Right Platform

With so many options available, it can be tricky to know where to put your trust. Security isn’t just a nice feature, it’s imperative to avoid data breaches and be in violation of HIPAA policy.

Your first question should be whether a company is well-versed in healthcare technology. Do they understand the ins and outs of the healthcare industry? That ensures improved clinical productivity, streamlined operations, and improved patient care. Cloud computing is an integral part of your digital strategy.

For IT Strategy, Cloud Conversion, or Help Desk Services reach out to us at Silver Linings Technology 360-450-4759.