7 Things That Give Care Centers a Reliable IT Infrastructure 

A basic definition of infrastructure is:

An underlying base or foundation for an organization or system

Yet, in daily life, the concept becomes more complicated when you consider something as complex as an IT system..

Technology powers nearly every aspect of a care center. When properly networked, technology improves communication, creates efficiencies, and increases productivity. A properly administered IT infrastructure is flexible, reliable, and secure. It can help meet your goals and provide a competitive edge.

However, an IT infrastructure is only as healthy as the people in charge make it. Creating a reliable IT infrastructure takes work and a plan. No matter how large or small your infrastructure is, it still needs the same support elements.

A Strategic Plan

A strategic plan covers everything from initial planning to future forecasting. It allows IT professionals to get in and plan for every part of your infrastructure, from budgeting to equipment purchasing to disaster planning and more.

Unless you’re a large care center, you might not have a full IT staff on board. While that might work for basic needs, it doesn’t offer you the same advantages as if you had a fully seasoned professional team at your disposal. One way to get the expertise without breaking your budget is to rely on an external IT service provider. Co-managing your entire infrastructure gives you the ability to ensure every aspect of your infrastructure is thoroughly cared for in every aspect.


Hand-in-hand with a plan, security is also high up on the list. If any portion of your infrastructure is left vulnerable, you’ll eventually face the consequences. It’s essential to guard against both internal and external threats as they will continuously change. Do you have the proper protection in place? This can include firewalls, anti-malware, multi-factor authentication, and employee security training. This is your starting point; criminals are more savvy than ever, are you?


You may be happy when you get systems up and running, but what’s your protocol for maintaining them along the way? Systems only operate when they are well maintained. This includes ongoing monitoring and a maintenance plan that ensures everything is up to date. It helps you identify issues before they become more significant problems -  problems that could very possibly bring your entire care center to a halt.

Proactive Care

Now that your infrastructure is well maintained, what’s your plan for the future? Are you upgrading laptops in a timely manner to ensure your system never breaks down? How about increasing bandwidth for additional traffic? Or proactively implementing technological advances to keep your care center secure? This requires your IT team to be well-educated and well-versed in what’s happening in the industry. You can’t plan for what you don’t know exists.

Help Desk Support

What do employees do when they have a question? Having experienced IT staff to talk to ensures a healthier infrastructure. Instead of finding workarounds, or worse, ignoring the problem altogether, it ensures every issue is handled quickly and efficiently.


Being in the healthcare industry means you have additional responsibilities to protect patient data and secure your infrastructure. It’s your responsibility to have the right tools and systems in place. Plus, these rules consistently update and change, and may affect the vendors who service you. As you select vendors and systems, ensure they are well-versed in compliance and understand the various requirements.

Disaster Recovery Planning

Most businesses can’t afford downtime; it’s more imperative in care facilities. So, what’s your plan? How would your organization respond? This could include everything from a weather event to a ransomware takeover.

Having a disaster recovery plan will help you identify weaknesses in your current system and give you opportunities to shore up vulnerabilities before they become problems. Thinking about disasters before they happen isn’t bad karma; it’s good strategy.

It’s Your Organization, What’s Next?

No matter the size of your care facility, your infrastructure needs to be secure. With this as your starting point, you have a better idea of best practices that can put you on a more secure road for the future.

Co-managed IT isn’t suitable for every organization, but it might be right for you if you’re missing crucial components listed above. If you have additional questions, reach out and start a conversation today.

For IT Strategy, Cloud Conversion, or Help Desk Services reach out to us at Silver Linings Technology 360-450-4759.