Designing The Perfect CIO and Other C-Level Partnership

CIOs and other C-levels aren’t known for always having the friendliest business relationships. While they all might be reaching for a common goal, the approach varies, and with that comes differences. Sometimes major differences.

But in today’s digital age, thriving means forging an effective partnership to create the best customer experience possible while doing so at the highest profit levels achievable. C-levels can do that in many ways.

Focus on the customer experience

Through all of the digital transformation that has occurred over the past decade, a vast majority of business professionals stated that customer experience is one area they are pursuing in greater depth. Why? Because customer expectations are higher than ever before.

Customers now have the tools to learn whatever they choose and make decisions based on data that is available right in the palms of their hands. This power is changing the way consumers shop, and the way businesses approach the sales process. You have to know who your customer is, what they want, and provide them with the right resources. That means both on the digital and the experience side.

Collaborate on data

Big data is on everyone’s mind. And every department uses it in different ways. While a CMO uses the data, the CIO manages it. And without the knowledge and experience of a well-informed CIO, the data provided to the rest of the company may be risky and inaccurate at best. A clear data strategy can bring everyone on board to understand the ultimate goal and stay on track for getting there in the best way.

Develop quick thinking

Let’s face it; your customer won’t wait. If your website is slow, if your data isn’t accessible, if they can’t get the information they want when they want it, they can find another company that can deliver. While metrics are important to the overall health of an organization, speed is a requirement to bring everyone on board. Sometimes that means relying on outsiders to provide up-to-date information when you need it most. Giving all departments space to be at the top of their game will help you achieve in a more responsive way.

Create alignment

Cross-functioning is now more important than ever. If one department doesn’t understand what the other department is doing, it can cost you your business. It’s important that C-levels meet not only on a regular basis, but also work together every day. If one side doesn’t understand what the other is doing, they can’t watch out for the best interest of the company. Transparency is key now and in the future, especially as things change at digital speed.

How are you handling your C-level partnership? Is your CIO responsibilities everything they could be?