The Process Of Running A Paperless Office

The paperless office isn’t a new concept. In fact, for most of us, its been around our entire careers. The idea of a paperless office was originally created as a marketing message intended to describe the office of the future. ...

How To Build An Effective Team As A New Team Leader

Nothing is more exciting than being promoted and put in charge of a new project. Yet after the excitement of the promotion wears off, overwhelm may quickly set in as you think about the journey ahead. As a new team ...

How Available Is Your Private Information Online?

Just a few years ago, the concept of buying something online was more than a little terrifying. People held their credit cards close, stating they would never release such personal information into the land of the unknown. Times have changed. ...

4 Laws Of Technology and How They Impact Your Business

We live in a world in which laws define and describe the way things happen every day. They control how we operate as a country; and they control the way we function as a society. In technology, they describe everything ...

Changing Up Your Technology Toolbox

I travel quite a bit. When I meet someone new and they find out what I do, invariably they ask a question or two about technology trends. “What’s your favorite app? or “What program will help me be better at ...

Make Yourself

Remember when you were young and asked, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”  At that age, you saw no boundaries: you could be anything! But something happened on the journey of growing ...

The four IT personalities: part 1, the technology administrator

This is the first of a four-part series describing the main IT personalities. The intent of this series is to assist organizations in defining and hiring the right IT staff for their needs. In categorizing the ...

The dual role of IT: Transforming businesses and processes

I meet with a lot of companies and still the two most-asked questions I hear are: “What is the value of IT?” and “How come my IT group can’t offer strategic value?” The nature of these ...

Sitting by the pool: A practice in mental retreat

Photo courtesy of Martin Abegglen, twicepix I wanted each of these posts to provide my readers with a unique insight or call to action. I hope that through my writings I can motivate some of you ...

Seeking freedom from intrusion

Ding. Ding. Another text. Another e-mail. Oops – there goes the phone. Even if ignored there’s still the nagging buzzing of a voicemail left behind. All of these intrusions impact our ability to stay focused on ...