How To Improve Customer Satisfaction With Everyday Technology

As the head of a company, customer satisfaction is your top priority. Yet with so many contact points throughout the process, perfecting every piece can be a challenge. To ensure customer satisfaction, you need to attract the right potential clients, ...

The Pros and Cons Of Implementing A Virtual Desktop Infrastructure In Your Business

If you run a small to medium size business, technology is probably one of the top frustrations you deal with each year. Not only do you have to keep up with the latest device – would your sales team operate ...

Why Security Questions Can Be Your Biggest Threat

Passwords. We all use them every single day. Studies consistently show that people become lazy when it comes to creating a password, with the top spots going to things like “password” and “123456”. But with a little education, you can ...

What Cloud Computing Means For Small Businesses

Think back to how quickly technology has changed. A few short years ago, every computer was a free standing unit. All upgrades, all changes, all control was handled by moving from unit to unit. Fast forward as organizations quickly found ...

8 Ways To Become A Well-Read Person

Have you ever watched an experienced networker in action? They circle the room, warming up and making friends with everyone they meet. Not only do they put on a happy face and show true interest in what the other person ...

How Small Practices Benefit From Electronic Health Records

Is there such a thing as being too small to benefit from technology? If you run a small medical practice, at what size will you begin to reap the largest paybacks? Study after study are showing the benefits of using ...

How To Add More Time Into Your Day

Have you ever sat back at the end of a busy day and wondered exactly what you accomplished? Sure, a lot of things came across your desk. You had a great lunch meeting filled with potential promise. But what did ...

Why It May Be Time For You To Look at VDIs and a Virtual Private Data Center

Company. Employees. IT. Each have their own set of rules and expectations, and no matter how hard you try and bring them together, you’re bound to run into a few problems along the way. The company wants safety and security, ...

What To Include In A Company Email Policy

Email. Its one of those tools we have a love/hate relationship with. We know it’s something we have to have, yet its become such a regular part of our lives, we rarely think about all the implications it has on ...

How To Keep Your Telecommuters Motivated

There is an interesting thing happening with the way we work. Close to 3 percent of US workers now consider home their primary place of work. That’s 3.3 million employees, not self-employed or unpaid volunteers, that work the majority of ...