IDS, IPS or Both?

Like every industry, the tech industry has its share of acronyms. Intrusion defense systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) are particularly confusing. Their names would suggest they’re similar. When you shop for either an IDS or IPS, you’ll find ...

How To Maintain Security With Telemedicine Employees

According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, the term “chronic disease” is defined as a disease lasting three months or more. In general, it cannot be prevented by a vaccine, nor cured by medication. It won’t just disappear. ...

Should You Be Worried About Ransomware

It’s early. And with a busy day ahead, you decide to head into the office to get a few things done before patients fill your day. You sit down at your desk, boot up your computer. But instead of seeing ...

The #1 Problem With Connected Health Design

The more engaged a patient is with the process for monitoring health-related issues, the better their clinical outcomes. Seems like a no-brainer idea. After all, if you truly want the best health possible, you’ll do whatever it takes to monitor, ...

The Biggest Security Risks A Business Faces Today

Data breaches make the news on a regular basis. Yet despite the regularity of security leaks and repeated attacks hitting businesses we know and use regularly, there’s always a sense of “that won’t happen to me.” Many businesses choose the ...

Hate BYOD? CYOD May Be The Answer

At first glance, there appears to be little difference between the concepts of “bring your own device” BYOD and “choose your own device” CYOD. Yet as you begin to marry the concepts of productivity and security together, it becomes apparent ...

How To Solve Disagreements Without Conflict

Poorly managed conflict and disagreements can kill effectiveness and efficiencies within a workplace. Then fester, build up and completely overwhelm an office to the point where it stops you in your tracks. Conflict is inevitable. But if you take a ...

Establishing Service-Level Agreements For Shadow IT

A Service-Level Agreement (SLA) is a part of a service contract where the service is formally defined. It includes certain aspects of the service, such as scope, quality and responsibilities. Common features include the contracted delivery time, definition or services, ...

Cutting Through The Jargon Of The IT World

The influence of the Internet on the world of business continues to change on a daily basis. In fact, it sometimes changes so fast, it’s difficult to keep up with the pace. New concepts are always being developed. Acronyms and ...

Online Presence Strengthens Physician-Patient Relationships

Before we do anything, we head online and search. Want a restaurant nearby? Pull out your phone and search. Dishwasher broken? Google comparisons before you buy. Looking for a new doctor? Head online and search the reviews. Today’s consumers are ...