Automation Can Make Your Senior Living Facility More Efficient

The goal of any senior housing, assisted living, or skilled nursing facility is to provide effective care. The challenges of the past few years have made that increasingly challenging. It’s showing up in many ways. Workflow It’s challenging to ensure ...

5 Steps To Get Your Technology Ready for a New Year

The transition from December 31st to January 1st isn’t different from any other day of the year. And yet, it feels different. We clean out the old and bring in the new. We look back in order to move forward. ...

How Healthcare Practices Should Respond to a Security Breach

Every organization has valuable data that cybercriminals can use to make money. Healthcare practices and facilities are more vulnerable because of patient information. Healthcare breach costs have risen 53.3 percent since 2020. Healthcare breaches have been the most expensive for ...

Having Trouble With Your Legacy System? Here’s What To Do Next

Technology advances so quickly it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the latest system or gadget. You’ve learned this if you’ve ever shopped for something new. You do your research, hone in on a few preferences, and make an investment. ...

Building a Future-Proof IT Strategy

Artificial intelligence. Sustainable technology. Cybersecurity mesh. Just when you’re comfortable with the technology in a place, it changes once again. New ideas pop up, and you aren’t sure what to do. Your IT infrastructure is at the heart of your ...

What Your Employees Are Doing With Your Data and How To Secure It

Top business consultants will tell you the money is in the list - your customer is the lifeblood of your business. But in today’s world, the money is also in data - if your data is breached, stolen, or destroyed, ...

Are You Working With Right-Size Technology For The Stage and Size You Are?

Have you ever worked with technology that doesn’t quite fit your needs? You play with it, trying to get it to function “your” way. You Google it. You watch FAQ videos. You look for workarounds to get what you’re ultimately ...

Sensitive Information on Thousands of Companies Was Leaked

Sensitive information leaks can give cybercriminals access to bank account information, passwords, and other important data. Many companies, government agencies, and schools had to handle a dangerous situation. Learn more about this ...

Using Data Analytics to Drive Business Growth

In this day and age, collecting information has become super easy. Thanks to tech advances, businesses gather information from almost anything. The challenge is making sense of all the data. How ...

What You Need To Know About Apple’s Latest Security Update

Apple's latest security update is here and addresses a few concerns regarding user privacy. Installing this software update can protect you from hackers who can target you via some vulnerabilities within ...