Would You Pay Ransom If Your Medical Equipment Was Hacked?

How strong is your IT security policy? Do you have the confidence your policies could stand up to a major attack? Most organizations do … until the unthinkable happens.  You walk in and boot up your equipment, ready for another ...

How Interoperability Impacts Your Practice

In the 21st Century Cures Act, interoperability is defined as the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate and exchange data with ease. Then once the data moves between various applications, it should also be used ...

Privacy and Blockchain Technology - Does It Exist In Healthcare?

Think back for a moment about your life in the healthcare system. Over the years, you’ve visited a lot of different medical practitioners for a variety of different things. You’ve seen: A general practitioner for general care Specialists for specific ...

Data Center + Growing Security Threats = Challenges

IT teams have a lot of challenges on their hands today. But I don’t have to tell you that. You’re battling them all the time. What makes it even more strenuous is the speed at which new technology is being ...

Workarounds: The Newest IT Security Risk

What do healthcare facilities worry about right now in 2018? According to a report put out by the ECRI Institute, one of the most significant concerns involves workarounds. Workarounds occur when a staff member needs to get something done and ...

Are Duplicate Patient Records Causing Your Security Problems?

In 1950, the most popular names in America were James, Michael, and Robert for males, Mary, Linda, and Patricia for females. Now lets pair those names with a popular surname such as Smith, Johnson, or Williams. Do you have a ...

Can AI Be The Solution To Better EHR?

There’s a problem with the current EHR systems in today’s medical practices. According to an Annals of Internal Medicine study, for every hour a doctor spends with her patients, she spends double the amount of time working on paperwork.  And ...

The Biggest EHR Patient Related Safety Threats and What To Do About Them

Just a few years ago, most medical practices operated with paper records. As electronic records moved in to replace paper, the benefits were many.  Leaving paper files in a room is risky. By digitizing the records, you can keep them ...

Blockchain and Healthcare - What Does It Mean?

You can’t go anywhere online without finding an article on the up and coming blockchain technology. And if you’re like most people, you’re still a little fuzzy on what it is and what it means for your business. Sure, it’s ...

EHR: Is It Your Biggest Strength … or Weakness?

A new survey shows the state of how medical practices view their electronic health records (EHR) system. According to results from The Harris Poll: 59 percent of the physicians surveyed think EHRs need a complete overhaul 40 percent think there ...