
Are You Using These Free Google Tools In Your Practice?

Every once in a while, isn’t it nice to get things for free? Of course, you have to question whether “free” is worth it. Is it high quality? Does it add value? Will it help you get the job done ...

What Does Today’s Healthcare CIO Position Look Like?

Chief Information Officer - CIO. It’s meant different things at different times since the acronym was first created.  CIO’s initially were the people who got technology up and running. Whether you wanted emails established or another server put into place, ...

Why Hackers Target Medical Patients

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could go a full year without a breach in security throughout the medical industry?  We all know that’s not possible. In 2018, phishing attacks in Minnesota compromised 21,000 records, 75,000 records were breached in ...

Patient Matching Problems: Are You Sure You Have The Right EHR?

Remember paper files? Every note, every form, every transaction was printed out on paper and stuffed into a file with your patient’s name across the top.  If a patient wanted a copy, or you referred them to a specialist, it ...

Are You Breaching HIPAA While Texting Patients?

Texting is no longer a fad; it’s a way of life. It’s one of the fastest, easiest ways to connect with the people most important to you. So naturally, it’s crept into the business world too.  Why not text your ...

Want Tech-Savvy Employees? Microlearning May Be The Answer

How many things do your employees need to be proficient in to do their jobs well? They have to understand the programs you use throughout your practice. They have to understand HIPAA compliance laws. They have to keep safety and ...

Is Your Help Desk HIPAA Compliant?

Do you operate a busy medical practice? Does your help desk operate 24-hours of the day? Is it HIPAA compliant? Protecting your patients’ private information is one of the most important jobs you have. And it all starts with your ...

How To Move Forward After a Healthcare Data Breach

“We’ve been hacked.” That’s something no company director wants to hear. But in the medical industry, it can be even more severe. Data breaches can be costly; HIPAA violations add a whole other level to the costs. Over $19 million ...

Putting EHR and Patient Engagement Together

Ever since the concept of the electronic health record (EHR) program made its way into our modern healthcare system, the term “patient engagement” has grown right alongside it. It doesn’t make sense to have one without the other.  Patient engagement ...

How Interoperability Impacts Your Practice

In the 21st Century Cures Act, interoperability is defined as the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate and exchange data with ease. Then once the data moves between various applications, it should also be used ...


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