As a practitioner, you have a lot on your plate. Seeing patients may be a priority, but it’s not the only job you tackle. Accounting. Payroll. Stocking the breakroom. You might even take the trash out at the end of the day.
But the more you grow, the more people you’ll have to rely on. That’s when the question becomes:
Is it better to hire an employee, or bring on a managed service provider (MSP)?
An MSP is an outsourced third-party company that takes over responsibility for a defined set of daily tasks, with IT being one of the top outsourced services. Many things have driven this process, including the advancement of technology and big data, and the adoption of bring-your-own-device and telecommuting activities.
Recent statistics show that MSPs are most abundant in the information technology and communications niches at approximately 13 percent.
There are many reasons taking on an MSP makes more sense than hiring an employee:
- Pay for only the services required
- Get top-notch talent who are consistently up to date on the latest trends
- Have access to the best tools at a fraction of the price it would take to bring them in-house
Still, if you’ve never worked with an MSP before, you might be missing out on some of the benefits you can derive from establishing this connection. How do you get the most out of working with an MSP?
Set your own goals
Change starts when you understand your strengths and weaknesses. What would benefit you most from working with an MSP? You can quickly come up with obvious tasks - help create a more secure work environment. With a bit of research, you can also discover items that will help your practice grow. While you don’t need a thorough outsourcing list before you talk with MSPs, opening up to what’s possible will help you make wiser choices.
Understand the MSP service process
MSPs use onboarding to ensure you’re comfortable with the services they provide. What makes the service even better is being an active participant in the process. Be aware of all services offered. Ensure all decision-makers are present and well-educated on the tasks. Give feedback and be ready to adjust strategies to make your work environment more efficient. Don’t fight the process. And ensure everyone on your team is on board too.
Dream big
While MSPs can come in and help with today’s tasks, they can also help you build for a better tomorrow. Where do you see yourself in a year? Five years? By bringing your MSP up to date in your direction, they can create a plan to get you there with your technology. Rather than just working on current issues, they can help create a plan to drive your business forward.
This is a collaborative relationship. The more you communicate your goals and wishes, the more your managed service provider can provide you with the tools and resources most beneficial for your growth.
For IT Strategy, Cloud Conversion, or Help Desk Services reach out to us at Silver Linings Technology 360-450-4759.