IT Strategy

Strengthening The Human Element To Weaken Fraud

There’s a new level of fraud in town, and it doesn’t come from outside your doors. Instead, it’s coming straight from you. Just ask a Snapchat employee about it, who fell for the scam earlier this year. In this case, ...

Is There A Difference Between Indoor and Outdoor Cameras?

Video surveillance is an important part of any home security system. They add an extra layer of security, and provide an added level of peace of mind. But adding video surveillance isn’t as easy as selecting the first camera equipment ...

Why Senior Living Communities Should Care About Security Technology

Demand for senior housing will continue to rise in the coming year’s thanks to an ever-growing supply of baby boomers that are aging and moving into a phase where they begin needing care. The National Investment Center for Seniors Housing ...

Do You Offer Fraud Protection As A Customer Service?

Imagine a hurricane slowly moving up the coastline, causing floods and damage as it travels from city to city. Or a river rising as the rains come down day after day. Eventually, it surpasses its banks and creeps into offices ...

Why It May Be Time To Hand Over Your IT To A Managed Service Provider

Managed Service Provider. It’s a buzzword you’ll often hear throughout the business world. If you’ve been searching for the right company to provide IT services, you’ve probably seen it again and again. As defined, Managed Services allows a business to ...

5 Steps For Recovering From A Security Breach

As you approach your desk, you flip on your computer, check your calendar, and prepare to start your day. But something’s not quite right. You can’t login. You can’t pull anything up. And what’s that weird message that keeps flashing ...

Changes To Google Cloud Platform Might Make Your Business Better

Google recently announced a few changes to the way they do business. You’ll find Google Cloud is about to change the way you do business. Google Cloud platform includes the products, technologies, and services that allow you to work easily ...

Will Technology Eliminate Doctors In The Future?

Who would you trust with your life, a human or a machine? Where once we would laugh at that question, we now have to take a second glance. IBMs Watson, probably one of the most well-known supercomputers in the world, ...

The Reality Of Password Security

Password security facts and figures are almost funny, if the reality of it all wasn’t so scary and true. In fact, I’m willing to bet you see yourself in some of the data. On Yahoo and LinkedIn, the most common ...

Outdated Information Technology – When It’s Time To Replace

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. These simple words were quoted to Bert Lance, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget in Jimmy Carter’s 1977 administration, in a newsletter of the US Chamber of Commerce as he ...


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