Security is something on everyone’s minds these days. And there are a lot of ways hackers and malicious behavior can impact your practice.
Increasing the complexity of your EHRs? PHI can be one of the most vulnerable systems you have.
Implementing smart medical devices into your practice? Be sure to update regularly to ensure hackers can’t get in.
But what about your phone system? VoIP has quickly become the phone system of choice, thanks to how well it works in all kinds of situations. Anything that gains a following makes it ripe for hackers. That makes it especially vulnerable if you take the “buy it and leave it” philosophy.
How do you keep it safe and secure? In addition to setting up virus and malware prevention, firewalls, and a robust system security plan, there are other ways to ensure everyone on staff is using it safely and securely.
Password security
One of the most straightforward measures you can put in place is to require more sophisticated passwords. The more random and nonsensical a password is, the harder it is to crack. You should require password updates frequently as well.
Two-factor authentication
As an extra security measure, use two-factor authentication. This will require employees to login using their passwords, then validate it with a code sent to an approved device, such as a smartphone or tablet. This adds protection to the login process. If you’re using remote teams, you can also set up a virtual private network (VPN) which can give an employee secure access from anywhere.
Access control
Not every employee needs access to all of the features within your VoIP system. Only give access to things an employee truly needs to fulfill the requirements of the job. You should also have a security team track this and make changes to access requirements over time.
Control calling areas
Depending on your plan, call charges can accumulate quickly. A great way to protect your business is to set up and control your calling areas. Limiting how and where users can call from will instantly alert you to calls being made outside of your selected area, bringing to light potential hackers before their impact becomes a financial burden.
Monitor traffic
You should closely monitor all traffic taking place over the VoIP system to understand patterns and how your company uses the data. As you document practices, it becomes easier to spot potential fraud when spikes occur. It can also show you when people login from outside locations that have no business in your system. Whitelist IP addresses that are authorized to access your system.
And never forget about talking to and training your employees. Communication about safety features is always one of the best ways to stay on top of potentially fraudulent behavior.
What questions do you have about keeping your VoIP safe and secure?
For IT Strategy, Cloud Conversion, or Help Desk Services reach out to us at Silver Linings Technology 360-450-4759.