Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud: What’s The Difference?

Running programs and storing information in the cloud is no longer a trending idea, but a standard practice for companies. Most businesses run applications or use cloud storage in some capacity in their day-to-day operations.

Just like evaluating which hardware or software your company uses, cloud storage options should also be assessed to determine the right path for you.

How important is security? Do you have special compliances to meet?

Does your business have heavy employee or customer interaction where response time is crucial?

Do you use cloud storage for backup and disaster recovery or for day to day use?

Do different departments utilize different programs? Do individual departments need individual security plus the ability to talk and share with one another?

Keep your needs in mind as you evaluate the differences between public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud.

Public Cloud

This storage option is often favored by smaller businesses that have a lot of activity and not a lot of proprietary information that requires extended security. Public clouds are owned and operated by third party companies that offer solutions for specific needs. They might offer data standards for HIPAA compliance, for instance. They rent out space on their servers and charge according to the disk space, bandwidth, and special circumstances.

Public clouds will almost always be the cheapest and most cost-effective storage solution for a business, especially when you consider they take care of upkeep and upgrades themselves without requiring you to have someone on staff to handle the maintenance.

Private Cloud

As public cloud storage technology becomes more popular and offers more benefits, private cloud storage is declining. However, some companies still use private cloud storage because of the extra security.

The main difference between private and public cloud is where the server is housed. For some, they prefer to keep information on site; using a private cloud, it’s possible. In some cases, third-party solutions are willing to host your private cloud for you. They maintain a server dedicated only to your company. They house it either on-premises or at its server farm. They maintain it and modify it as needed, giving you the best of both worlds. It can be a perfect solution, especially if you have high security, high demand with the information you use every day.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud employs both public and private cloud to host your data. It can be adapted based on your needs.

  • Different departments can use the best cloud option for their needs
  • High proprietary data on private cloud and less sensitive data on public cloud
  • Active operations on private cloud with backup on public cloud

The advantage of the hybrid cloud is you get flexibility where you need it most. You can choose cloud-based solutions built around your specific needs.

What cloud-based applications are you currently using? Is it the right choice for your business?