Every day at work can be a challenge. Patients and residents take top priority.
But then, something goes wrong. You can’t login to an account. Your computer glitches. The program just won’t work.
Sometimes, it goes deeper, so you develop workarounds trying to deal with the data. It’s not that you dislike technology; you just wish it would work.
This problem plagues many senior living facilities. You're big enough to have a variety of tech systems in place. Maybe big enough to have an IT guy, but he’s busy overseeing tech-related issues at all your properties.
So when a team member has a problem, she places a phone call to IT. If she’s lucky, she talks with him. More often, she leaves a message and hopes she remembers the details when she gets the call back … often a day or two later.
You’re not alone. This is how many assisted living facilities operate. The focus is on care, not technology. So technology takes a back seat, and remains challenging at best. It’s often because:
There’s a lack of infrastructure
Systems were put into place for a reason; trouble is, nobody remembers those reasons. Systems have been piecemealed together, with patches and workarounds used to get the job done. What it leads to is persistent problems. And it’s not just the staff; residents have issues, too. Maybe their technology stops working in their rooms. Or wearable technology isn’t functioning as it should. Every day brings another problem, and highlights weaknesses in your process.
No one understands the current system
Someone initially set up your systems with a purpose in mind. That was several tech guys ago. No one remembers why specific systems were chosen, and why processes were created. But now, they work well enough that you don’t want to stop them. But you know efficiency isn’t where it should be.
Technological silos are everywhere
As you change systems and implement new procedures, it’s easy to develop a tech ecosystem full of silos. This happens when a resource works in a vertical that’s more or less cut off from other verticals (such as when one department doesn’t talk to another, but instead builds their own workarounds). These silos are costing you time and effort. Each breakdown introduces potential errors, which can slow down your entire process.
What can you do? Where do you begin?
Start the conversation
If you spend too much time trying to work out a problem, you waste both time and money. If you get stuck beyond a reasonable amount of time, or it happens repeatedly, it’s time to reach out. Escalate the problem to ensure next-level support knows a problem exists.
Track every issue
Even the little things can be signs that it’s time to take action. Instead of ignoring problems or finding ways to deal with glitches, track them. When you see glaring problems arise repeatedly, it’s a sign it’s time to find a better way.
Ask for help
Many people assume asking for help equates to spending more money. Not true. If you make systems more efficient, you’ll spend less on the overall system, and cut down on labor hours spent fixing the problem.
Your assisted living facility runs on technology; you can’t survive in this world without it. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’re operating as efficiently as possible? To never worry about network failures, have IT support when you need it (not when the tech guy is available), and know that you have the best IT systems in place?
You can. It’s possible. You just have to ask.
For IT Strategy, Cloud Conversion, or Help Desk Services reach out to us at Silver Linings Technology 360-450-4759.