Why a Digital Transformation Just Moved Up On Your To-Do List

We’ve just moved through a year of rapid change. Maybe it’s time for a digital transformation. But what does that really mean?

Most tech companies define digital transformation as the ability to reshape business or services by replacing manual or non-digital processes with digital, or upgrading older digital technology with newer, more agile systems.

Sounds easy enough. It’s what most businesses across all industries try for as they grow and expand. However, studies show that most fail, with 70 percent never reaching their stated goals.

If you look around your own practice, you can start to pinpoint specific systems and efforts ripe for an upgrade. Programs you’ve bandaged together, hoping they’ll make it another year. Devices you’re hoping to replace … someday.

All of this is preventing you from achieving what you’re looking for, which is ultimately about  more efficiency and less risk.

Why do some transformations work while most fail? Ultimately, it comes down to two things:

  • Mindset
  • A plan

Whenever you purchase a new platform, settle on an upgraded plan, or bring in new technology with upgraded bells and whistles, you do so because of the possibilities. Watching the demo or talking with a sales rep fills you with potential. You might have the right mindset while participating in the demo, but during implementation, a lot of little things get in the way.

  • Your office manager isn’t on board.
  • Patient emergencies pop up.
  • Isn’t it easier to revert to the old way of doing things, rather than taking the time to learn an entirely new approach?

That’s where the plan comes into play.

A lot of businesses create a plan they can implement themselves. Third-party systems make it easy. You watch a demo online, and love the tools it provides. You buy it, start implementation, with trickle-down performance where different individuals in your office receive varying levels of training, depending on their access needs.

Many frustrating days occur in the pursuit of finding a workaround that works for the office. Eventually, team members find their own path, no matter what it does to the overall system structure or risk to the data. Day to day work continues, and life moves on.

It’s a haphazard approach at best.

But not if you have the right digital partner who is there beyond implementation.

Think beyond one system or one service. A true digital partner looks at your business as a whole, and matches technology to your needs. They aren’t just there for implementation; they’re there for the long haul. To help you through all the difficulties that go along with upgrades and switches. To ensure everyone on your staff is appropriately trained and understands the nuances of the technology in place.

How do you find that? Ask questions.

  • Does this potential digital partner have expertise in technology solutions that fit my needs?
  • Does this partner understand my specific business and industry needs?
  • Does this partner fit within the culture inside my practice?
  • Will this partner prioritize my success rather than worrying about their own bottom line?

It starts with a few simple questions. Then, the partnership created could change everything.

For IT Strategy, Cloud Conversion, or Help Desk Services reach out to us at Silver Linings Technology 360-450-4759.