If you’re like many healthcare organizations around the world, you find yourself using state of the art technology in some areas, while muddling through outdated systems and practices in others.
Even a mild slip-up can cost your practice big time. The financial costs are only part of the equation. Your employees can stay late, even get fed up with their jobs. Patients can grow leery of the experience, maybe even moving to a new provider.
Efficiency doesn’t happen by accident. You have to build it. And that means being willing to change every piece of it along the way.
Having The Right Tech In Place
Right now we’re at the point where new technology can WOW us with what it can do. Whether you do a quick search, attend an expo at a conference, or read one of the latest trade publications, taking in the functionality of a new app or program can have you signing on the dotted line.
Every tool has the potential for offering relief from the manual processes you do every day. But selecting the right tool takes a lot more thought process to ensure it provides you with what you need most. EHRs are often the biggest areas of focus within an organization because they take up your most valuable time. To be able to control them from office workers to physicians, even as it moves for more specialized services like lab work, appeals to many practices. A big part of laying the right groundwork is ensuring they are properly integrated into the system so an individual doesn't spend precious time in the patient room trying to find the right record. Relevant information is just as important as automation.
Not all tools integrate together. It’s critical that data is searchable and available whenever it’s needed. It also means that the information is reportable and contributes to the overall effectiveness of the system used within the practice. .
Having A Well-Integrated Patient Portal
Your patient intake process should be as detailed as possible. You should also ensure they can handle much of it on their own. And the best thing is with an integrated patient portal, individuals can handle the details and paperwork before their appointment day, meaning they can move right into their appointment and consultation without a delay.
A well-integrated patient portal should have three things.
An online patient intake form that includes interaction between the patient and your staff, as needed. Make sure this is completed before their appointment for faster treatment.
Insurance validation can remove concerns from the day of the appointment. Ensure your technology validates insurance information and gives you time to inform the patient before the appointment.
You should also have a full set of instructions online and in email format to give to the patient throughout the registration process. This gives them ample opportunity to reach out and ask questions before the day of their appointment.
Maximizing Your Time
Every moment you can shave off one area means you have more time to spend with others. Don’t underestimate the power of any addition you can make to your business. If you normally see ten patients in one day, what would adding one more do to your revenue?
Map out your process from morning until night. What do your employees do? What do your customers experience? How long does each step take? What steps can be removed with a little integration?
What would you change to make your office more effective?
This is the best place to start to understand where to look for ways to change your business for the better.
Want help with the process?
For IT Strategy, Cloud Conversion, or Help Desk Services reach out to us at Silver Linings Technology 360-450-4759.